This short blog post is just to say that the official internationals between men’s national basketball teams is completed. Together with all football internationals and the official ice hockey dito we now have over 65 000 matches in our database! All world and continental championships are complete as well as most of the smaller tournaments. Check it out: Sportstatsguru database
I should point out in all fairness that there are gaps in the basketball internationals as information have been impossible to come by in some cases. Stats are missing (to a varying degree) from the following tournaments : Oceania basketball tournament, African Games (only 1983 missing), Arab Nations Basketball Championship, Gulf Cup, East Asian Games, Mediterranean Games, ODESUR Games, Pan Arab Games, SEABA Championship (only 1994 is missing, South Asian Games and West Asian Games. From the last two I have found no facts at all. So, if you can help then email me at: